February 18, 2025

Teen Night - Saturday January 18th @6:30pm

We are inviting you to join us for the 5PM mass at HNOJ. Following the celebration, we will be gathering together to share a pizza supper before the night begins. A freewill donation basket will be available if you would like to offset the cost of the supper. If you will not be attending the mass, we are inviting you to arrive at 6:30PM.

Teen Night: Prayer 101

Teen Night is a chance to build lasting friendships, enjoy great snacks, play fun games, join meaningful discussions, and share a moment of prayer together. This teen night, we will be going back to the basics and learning all about prayer! What is prayer? How can we start or grow a strong relationship with God through it? What are our experiences with prayer?

Date: January 18th 2025
Time: 6:30PM - 9PM
Location: Holy Name of Jesus

Sign Up!

In order for teenagers to participate in this evening, it is required that a parent or guardian fill out a registration form.

Click here to fill out the form and let us know if you will be having some pizza 😎 : https://g61ihqbg.paperform.co

See you there!