March 27, 2023

Consolation-Parish Lenten Mission

During this Lenten season, we invite you to join us on a journey of spiritual renewal and reflection. Our Lenten Mission is centered around the theme of consolation

When : March 26th & 27th at 7:00 pm

Where: Holy Name of Jesus

Guest Speakers: Sabrina Di Matteo & Fr. Raymond Lafontaine

Our world has its share of tragedies. Our Church is also experiencing a time of crisis and scandals. This is painful for us faithful. There is a real sense of desolation. How can we keep the flame of hope alive? We need consolation. Friendship and human solidarity comfort us. Faith in God consoles us and offers us signs that life is always stronger than darkness and death.

Day One

In this first evening of the parish Lenten mission, Sabrina Di Matteo will offer times of reflection to move from lament to consolation. She will present characters from the Bible who were comforted by Jesus, and will lead the congregation in song and prayer with her guitar.

Day Two

On the second evening of the mission, Fr. Raymond Lafontaine will lead us in a reflection on the Beatitudes, inspired by Pope Francis’ recent encyclical “Gaudete et Exsultate” (“Rejoice and Be Glad!”). As followers of Jesus, we are called to holiness and to wholeness, by Jesus who promises abundant life to those who follow him.  Yet at the same time we are also “hole-y”: full of holes, confronted with our brokenness, invited to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus.