March 22, 2022

Church Reopening

As it was announced, by the government places of worship will be reopening for public worship as of February 7th 2022. This will allow us to resume in-person sacramental celebrations as of February 8th. The vaccination passport is required to attend celebrations in church.

Let us support through our prayers the Catholic bishops in Quebec as they “remain in contact with government authorities to remind them that this requirement goes against our beliefs and to ensure that it will be lifted as soon as it is safe to do so.” Click here to read the letter from the bishops to the Catholics of Quebec

We take this opportunity to affirm our concern and commitment to all those who are not able to attend in-person celebrations due to vaccination passport requirements. Know that you are an integral part of our spiritual family at Holy Name of Jesus and pray that we all may be worshiping our Lord together in-person soon. In the meantime, we will continue to our live stream Masses and also invite you to come and receive the Holy Communion.

Online Registration will be required for weekend Masses.

Registration will be open on Tuesday February 8th at 9.30 am. Click here to register

Weekend Masses will remain the same: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am.  

Fr Joy Abraham and the deconfinement Team of HNOJ