August 23, 2024

10 Ways to Engage Your Kids' Faith This Summer

Summer is a precious time for families, filled with opportunities for fun, relaxation, and growth. It is also the perfect time to nurture our family’s faith. Here are ten wonderful ways to keep your family's faith engaged this summer:

1. Join Camp Savio

HNOJ’s Camp Savio provides a mix of outdoor fun and spiritual enrichment.It is a great way for kids to bond with peers who share their faith and meet other kids & leaders a part of their community throughout the year. 

2. Explore Montreal’s Catholic Heritage

Montreal is rich in Catholic history and architecture. Spend a day visiting iconic sites like Saint Joseph's Oratory, Notre-Dame Basilica, St.Patrick’s Basilica and the many beautiful churches scattered throughout the city. These visits can be both educational and inspirational for children.

3.Daily Family Prayer and Reflection

Dedicate a regular time for family prayer and reflection. Whether it is reading Bible stories, praying the Rosary, or discussing the lives of the saints, these moments can become cherished family traditions that strengthen your faith and bond.

4. Volunteer as a Family

Engage in community service by volunteering. Volunteering teaches children about compassion and living out Gospel values. HNOJ is always looking for those who are willing to help with gardening, painting, and various projects. 

5. Nature Walks and Creation Talks

Take advantage of Montreal’s beautiful parks like Mount Royal, Parc La Fontaine, and the Botanical Gardens. Use these outings to discuss the beauty of God’s creation and reflect on the wonders of nature. Bring along a prayer book or say grace before meals to integrate faith into your outdoor adventures.

6. Start a Faith Garden

Create a small garden at home dedicated to Mary or the saints. Plant flowers or herbs and spend time together tending to it. Use this as an opportunity to discuss the virtues of patience, care, and God's creation.

7. Catholic Books and Media

Incorporate faith-based reading and media into your summer routine. There are also great movies and music that can reinforce Christian values and spark meaningful discussions.

8. Attend Mass Regularly

Make Sunday Mass a family priority. Montreal has numerous parishes with services in English, French, and other languages. Attending Mass regularly helps reinforce the importance of faith and provides a sense of community.

9. Creative Faith Projects

Engage in arts and crafts with a faith theme. Create prayer journals, make rosaries, or build a mini shrine at home. These activities are fun and provide a hands-on way for kids to express and deepen their faith.

10. Celebrate Catholic Feasts and Traditions

Celebrate Catholic feasts and traditions unique to our culture. For instance, participate in the St. John the Baptist Day festivities with a faith perspective. Discuss the significance of the saint and incorporate prayers or special meals into your celebrations. Additionally, commemorate the Feast of Peter and Paul on June 29, St. Anne on July 26, and the Assumption of Mary on August 15. Each of these feasts offers a unique opportunity to deepen your faith through special prayers, meals, and understanding the importance of these saints and events in the Catholic tradition.

I hope these suggestions inspire you to make this summer a time of faith, fun, and family. 

Let us cherish these sunny days by growing closer to God and to each other.